Python Coding Question: 90+ Python Interview Coding Questions

It is challenging for freshers to find most asked python programming coding interview questions that commonly asked in interviews.

Here We have collected 35+ Most asked python coding Interview Questions that are recommended by Engineers of MNCs.

This coding question of Java Programming will help you to crack the coding interview rounds.

Coding Programs are like you have given some operations to perform on numbers, strings, arrays, or on linked lists. 

Below are the Python programs which mostly asked in a coding round, which are categorized in section wise. Prepare each variety of coding questions, which is very important and will help you crack your coding rounds.

Python Coding Questions on Numbers

  1. Write a program to reverse an integer in Python.
  2. Write a program in Python to check whether an integer is Armstrong number or not.
  3. Write a program in Python to check given number is prime or not.
  4. Write a program in Python to print the Fibonacci series using iterative method.
  5. Write a program in Python to print the Fibonacci series using recursive method.
  6. Write a program in Python to check whether a number is palindrome or not using iterative method.
  7. Write a program in Python to check whether a number is palindrome or not using recursive method.
  8. Write a program in Python to find greatest among three integers.
  9. Write a program in Python to check if a number is binary?
  10. Write a program in Python to find sum of digits of a number using recursion?
  11. Write a program in Python to swap two numbers without using third variable?
  12. Write a program in Python to swap two numbers using third variable?
  13. Write a program in Python to find prime factors of a given integer.
  14. Write a program in Python to add two integer without using arithmetic operator?
  15. Write a program in Python to find given number is perfect or not?
  16. Python Program to find the Average of numbers with explanations.
  17. Python Program to calculate factorial using iterative method.
  18. Python Program to calculate factorial using recursion.
  19. Python Program to check a given number is even or odd.
  20. Python program to print first n Prime Number with explanation.
  21. Python Program to print Prime Number in a given range.
  22. Python Program to find Smallest number among three.
  23. Python program to calculate the power using the POW method.
  24. Python Program to calculate the power without using POW function.(using for loop).
  25. Python Program to calculate the power without using POW function.(using while loop).
  26. Python Program to calculate the square of a given number.
  27. Python Program to calculate the cube of a given number.
  28. Python Program to calculate the square root of a given number.
  29. Python program to calculate LCM of given two numbers.
  30. Python Program to find GCD or HCF of two numbers.
  31. Python Program to find GCD of two numbers using recursion.
  32. Python Program to Convert Decimal Number into Binary.
  33. Python Program to convert Decimal number to Octal number.
  34. Python Program to check the given year is a leap year or not.
  35. Python Program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.
  36. Python Program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius.
  37. Python program to calculate Simple Interest with explanation.

Python Coding Questions on String

  1. Python program to remove given character from String.
  2. Python Program to count occurrence of a given characters in string.
  3. Python Program to check if two Strings are Anagram.
  4. Python program to check a String is palindrome or not.
  5. Python program to check given character is vowel or consonant.
  6. Python program to check given character is digit or not.
  7. Python program to check given character is digit or not using isdigit() method.
  8. Python program to replace the string space with a given character.
  9. Python program to replace the string space with a given character using replace() method.
  10. Python program to convert lowercase char to uppercase of string.
  11. Python program to convert lowercase vowel to uppercase in string.
  12. Python program to delete vowels in a given string.
  13. Python program to count the Occurrence Of Vowels & Consonants in a String.
  14. Python program to print the highest frequency character in a String.
  15. Python program to Replace First Occurrence Of Vowel With ‘-‘ in String.
  16. Python program to count alphabets, digits and special characters.
  17. Python program to separate characters in a given string.
  18. Python program to remove blank space from string.
  19. Python program to concatenate two strings using join() method.
  20. Python program to concatenate two strings without using join() method.
  21. Python program to remove repeated character from string.
  22. Python program to calculate sum of integers in string.
  23. Python program to print all non repeating character in string.
  24. Python program to copy one string to another string.
  25. Python Program to sort characters of string in ascending order.
  26. Python Program to sort character of string in descending order.

Python Coding Questions on Array

  1. Write a program in Python for, In array 1-100 numbers are stored, one number is missing how do you find it.
  2. Write a program in Python for, In a array 1-100 multiple numbers are duplicates, how do you find it.
  3. Write a program in Python for, How to find all pairs in array of integers whose sum is equal to given number.
  4. Write a program in Python for, How to compare two array is equal in size or not.
  5. Write a program in Python to find largest and smallest number in array.
  6. Write a program in Python to find second highest number in an integer array.
  7. Write a program in Python to find top two maximum number in array?
  8. Write a program in Python to remove duplicate elements form array.
  9. Python program to find top two maximum number in array.
  10. Python program to print array in reverse Order.
  11. Python program to reverse an Array in two ways.
  12. Python Program to calculate length of an array.
  13. Python program to insert an element at end of an Array.
  14. Python program to insert element at a given location in Array.
  15. Python Program to delete element at end of Array.
  16. Python Program to delete given element from Array.
  17. Python Program to delete element from array at given index.
  18. Python Program to find sum of array elements.
  19. Python Program to print all even numbers in array.
  20. Python Program to print all odd numbers in array.
  21. Python program to perform left rotation of array elements by two positions.
  22. Python program to perform right rotation in array by 2 positions.
  23. Python Program to merge two arrays.
  24. Python Program to find highest frequency element in array.
  25. Python Program to add two number using recursion.

Python Linked List Coding interview questions

  1. Python Program to Create and Traverse Singly linked list.
  2. Python program to insert a node in linked list.
  3. Write a program in Python to reverse a singly linked list.
  4. Python Program to search an element in singly linked list.
  5. Linked list Deletion in Python: At beginning, End, Given location.
  6. Write a program in Python to find 3rd element of Linked List from last in single pass.
  7. Write a program in Python to find middle element of a linked list in single pass.