In this tutorial, we will learn writing the python program to sort all the characters of the string in ascending order.
Problem Statement
We have to take a string from the users as an input. And we have to write program in python which will take input and return the string with sorted characters.
For example:
Case1: If the user inputs the string ‘python’
Then the output should be ‘honpty’, where all the characters are sorted.
Case2: If the user inputs the string ‘quescol’
Then the output should be ‘celoqsu’, where all characters are sorted.
Our logic to sort string in ascending order
- Our program accepts string as an input from the user.
- In order to sort the characters of the string, our program will use the python built-in function ‘sorted()’.
- sorted() function will sort the input string and will return sorted string.
Algorithm to sort string in ascending order
Step1: Start
Step2: Take string as input from the user.
Step3: Convert string in to the list containg all characters of the string as its element.
Step4: print “ ”.join(sorted(list))
Step5: Stop
Python code to sort string character in ascending order
Output 1:

For the input string ‘quescol’, firstly, the string’s elements get stored in a list that looks like
[ ‘q’, ‘u’, ‘e’, ‘s’, ‘c’, ‘o’, ‘l’ ]
Then, after using the sorted() function which re-arranges the list elements in ascending order as
[ ‘c’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘o’, ‘q’, ‘s’, ‘u’ ]
Finally, the join() function will concatenate the elements of the string and returns the concatenated string as output.
Output 2:

For the input string ‘Python Fun’, firstly, the string’s elements get stored in a list that looks like
[ ‘P’, ‘y’, ‘t’, ‘h’, ‘o’, ‘n’, ‘F’, ‘u’, ‘n’ ]
Then, after using the sorted() function which re-arranges the list elements in ascending order as
[ ‘F’, ‘P’, ‘h’, ‘n’, ‘n’, ‘o’, ‘t’, ‘u’, ‘y’ ]
Finally, the join() function will concatenate the elements of the string and returns the concatenated string as output.