In this tutorial, we are going to learn writing a python program to remove all the blank spaces present between the string given by the user. In this program we are not going to use any python inbuilt functions like isalpha().
Problem Statement
For any input string, we have to check for the blank space and then remove it from the string
For example :
Case1: If the user input the string ‘Edu cation’,
The output should be ‘Education’.
Case2: If the user input the string ‘Pyth on Pro gram’,
The output should be ‘PythonProgram’.
Our logic to remove all the blank spaces in a given string
- Our program will take any input string from the user and then checks for the presence of spaces between the characters of the string.
- The checking for the spaces is done with the help of string iteration methods (we are using the ‘for’ loop for our program).
- Here we will use comparison operator to indentify is there space is available.
- After checking for space presence in the string, the characters needed to get concatenated. To achieve that we will use various string concatenation methods defined by the python programming language.
Algorithm to remove all the blank spaces in a given string
Step1: Start
Step2: Take a string as an input from the user.
Step3: Create an empty string for string concatenation, result = ‘’.
Step4: Use the ‘for’ loop to iterate through the string.
Step5: if i!= ‘ ’:
Step6: Print result
Step7: Stop
Python code to remove all the blank spaces in a given string
Output 1:

In this case, the input string is ‘que scolweb site’, which consists of two spaces in the string. During the iteration of the string, While comparing using ‘if’ statement if space found then skips the spaces. And if no space found then concatenate the remaining character in the empty string ‘result’ and finally print the ‘result’ as the output of the program. In this case, the output is ‘quescolwebsite’.
Output 2:

In this case, the input string is ‘python is fun’, which consists of two spaces in the string. During the iteration of the string, when these spaces are found then the ‘if’ statement executes that skips the spaces and concatenate the remaining character in the empty string ‘result’ and finally print the ‘result’ as the output of the program, in this case, the output is ‘pythonisfun’.