Python program to calculate the cube of a number

In this tutorial, we are going to learn a python program to calculate the cube of a given number.

Problem Statement

For any number that are inputs given by the user, we have to print x3, i.e. cube of that number.

 For example:

Case1: If the user inputs the number as 3.

             then the output should be ‘27’.

Case2: If the user inputs the number as 8.

            then the output should be ‘512’.

Our logic to calculate the cube of a given number

  • Our program will take an integer as input from the user.
  • It then multiplies the input number with itself twice and finally prints the number as the output of our program.

Algorithm to calculate the cube of a given number

Step 1: Start

Step 2: take an integer input from the user and store it in num variable.

Step 3: print num*num*num

Step 4: Stop

Python Program to Calculate the Cube of a given number

Program 1: Simple Multiplication

num = int(input("Enter a number to calculate cube: "))
result = num * num * num
print(f"The cube of {num} is {result}")


Enter a number to calculate cube: 5
The cube of 5 is 125


For input 7, the output generated by our program is 5*5*5 i.e. equals 125.

Program 2: Using Exponentiation Operator

Python provides an exponentiation operator (**) that can be used to raise a number to the power of another.

num = int(input("Enter a number to find its cube: "))
result = num ** 3
print(f"The cube of {num} is {result}")


Enter a number to find its cube: 7
The cube of 7 is 343


This function uses the exponentiation operator ** to raise the number to the power of 3, effectively calculating its cube. It’s a clean and Pythonic way to perform power calculations.

Program 3: Using the pow Function

Python’s built-in pow function can also be used to calculate powers, which is especially useful in more complex mathematical contexts or where you want to emphasize readability.

num = int(input("Enter a number to find its cube: "))
result = pow(num, 3)
print(f"The cube of {num} is {result}")


Enter a number to find its cube: 5
The cube of 5 is 125


Here, pow(num, 3) calculates the cube of num. This method uses Python’s built-in pow function, which is particularly useful for raising numbers to large powers or when you also need to use modulo operations.