Python Program to Convert Decimal Number into Binary

In computer science, binary code is used to represent numbers, letters, and symbols. Binary Code contains only two distinct digits, 0 and 1. Converting decimal numbers into binary code requires some basic operation. In this post, we will discuss writing a Python program to convert decimal numbers to binary code.

The binary number system is a base-2 number system and the decimal number system is a base-10 number system. It means binary numbers can have only two possible values, 0 or 1. Whereas decimal numbers can have ten possible values, 0 through 9.

Steps require To convert a decimal number to binary:

  1. Divide the decimal number by 2.
  2. Record the remainder of the division as the first binary digit (0 or 1).
  3. Divide the quotient from step 1 by 2.
  4. Record the remainder of the division as the second binary digit.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 until the quotient is 0.
  6. Write the binary digits in reverse order (starting from the last remainder).

For example, to convert the decimal number 13 to binary:

  1. 13 / 2 = 6 remainder 1
  2. 6 / 2 = 3 remainder 0
  3. 3 / 2 = 1 remainder 1
  4. 1 / 2 = 0 remainder 1
  5. The binary digits are 1101 (in reverse order)

There are multiple ways to write a Python program to convert a decimal number to binary.

Convert Decimal Number into Binary In Python

Program 1: Convert Decimal to Binary Using Loop

decimal = temp = int(input("Please Enter a decimal number: "))
binary = ""
while temp > 0:
    remainder = temp % 2
    binary = str(remainder) + binary
    temp = temp // 2
print("Binary number is ", binary, " for ", decimal)


Please Enter a decimal number: 13
Binary number is 1101 for 13


The above program converts a decimal number (a regular number) into a binary number (a number used in computers). When you run the program, it first asks you to enter a decimal number. After you type in your number, the program uses a loop to figure out the binary form. In the loop, it finds the remainder when the number is divided by 2 (which will be either 0 or 1) and adds this to the front of a growing binary string. Then, it divides the number by 2 using floor division (which cuts off any decimals) and repeats the process until the number is 0. Finally, the program prints out the binary equivalent of the decimal number you entered, letting you know what that number looks like in binary form. This is useful for understanding how numbers are stored in computers.

Program 2: Decimal to Binary Using bin() function

This is the simplest way to convert a given decimal number to binary in Python is using the built-in bin() function. The bin() function takes a decimal number as input and returns its binary equivalent.

decimal = int(input("Please Enter a decimal number: "))
binary = bin(decimal)
print("Binary number is ", binary[2:], " for ", decimal)


Please Enter a decimal number: 34
Binary number is  100010  for  34


This simple program converts a decimal number (a number in the usual base-10 system we use every day) into a binary number (a number in base-2, or the system used by computers). When you run the program, it asks you to enter a decimal number. After you input your number, the program uses Python’s built-in bin() function to change the decimal number into its binary equivalent. The bin() function creates a string that starts with ‘0b’, which indicates that the rest of the string is in binary format. The program then prints the binary string without the ‘0b’ part, making it easier to read. This output shows the binary representation of the decimal number you entered, helping you understand how numbers are represented in computing systems.