DS Unit 2: Distributed Mutual Exclusion most asked questions

On this page, you will find all the most important and most asked previous year questions from unit 2 Distributed Mutual Exclusion of the Distributed System subject.

It will help you in the preparation of your semester exam to score good marks. It will also save you from the backlogs.

Topic : Distributed Mutual Exclusion (Key Note and Questions)


  1. What do you mean by mutual exclusion? Explain . Also write the requirements of mutual exclusion.
  2. Is mutual exclusion problem more complex in distributed system than single computer system? Justify your answer.
  3. Explain token and non-token based algorithm. Write its merit and demerits.
  4. Write the different between token and non-token based algorithm.
  5. Write and explain a token based algorithm for mutual exclusion . Describe its performance on important metrics.
  6. Explain the Ricart-Algorithm for mutual exclusion. How many messages per critical section execution are required ?
  7. Explain Mackawa’s algorithm.
  8. Explain Singhal’s heuristic algorithm.
  9. What are the performance metrics for mutual exclusion algorithm.
  10. Explain Raymond’s tree-based algorithm.

Topic : Distributed Deadlock Detection (Key Note and Questions)


  1. What do you mean by Deadlock? Write the necessary conditions for the occurrence of deadlock in distributed system?
  2. Differentiate resource deadlock and communication deadlock.
  3. Explain the assumption model for deadlock detection.
  4. What is deadlock? What are the necessary conditions for the occurrence of deadlock in distributed system? Describe the deadlock handling strategies in distributed system.
  5. Write the deadlock handling strategy in distributed system. What are the difference between centralized ,distributed and hierarchical control oraganizations for distributed deadlock detection.
  6. Classify the deadlock detection algorithms. Describe the Obermarck’s path pushing deadlock detection algorithm.
  7. Explain the deadlock avoidance algorithm. Also describe edge chasing deadlock detection algorithm.
  8. Explain the Menasce-Muntz algorithm and The Ho-Ramamoorthy algorithm.

Topic : Message Passing Systems (Key Note and Questions)

  1. What is vector clock? How this maintains causal ordering ? Explain.
  2. Explain the implementation rule of vector clock. Give the advantage of vector clock over Lamport’s logical clock.
  3. Discuss causal ordering of messages. Give any algorithm which can order the messages according to causal dependencies.
  4. SES protocol.
  5. BSS Protocol.
  6. Explain global state with the help of an example.
  7. What is termination detection in distributed system? Explain any algorithm for termination detection.
  8. Why is scalability and important feature in the design of distributed system? Discuss some of the guiding principles for designing a scalable distributed system.

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