How to declare methods in JSP?

Short Answer

In JSP, you can declare methods to organize your code better and reuse code easily. To declare a method, you use the declaration tag <%! %>. This tag lets you write methods that are part of the JSP page’s servlet class. Once declared, you can call these methods anywhere in your JSP page.

For example, if you want to create a method that adds two numbers, you would write

<%! public int addNumbers(int a, int b) { return a + b; } %>. 

Then, you can use this method in your JSP page to add numbers by calling

addNumbers(5, 3) 

and it would return 8.

Declaring methods in JSP helps keep your code clean and makes it easier to read and maintain.

Detailed Answer

Declaring Methods in JSP

JavaServer Pages (JSP) allows you to embed Java code directly into HTML pages. While JSP is mainly used to generate dynamic content, sometimes you need to perform more complex operations. In such cases, declaring methods within your JSP page can be very useful. These methods are declared within JSP declaration tags and can be called from anywhere within the JSP page.

Using Declaration Tags

To declare a method in JSP, you use the declaration tag <%! %>. Anything you place within these tags becomes part of the servlet class that the JSP engine generates from your page. This means you can define methods just like you would in a regular Java class.


    public int addNumbers(int num1, int num2) {
        return num1 + num2;

In this example, a method named addNumbers is declared, which takes two integers as parameters and returns their sum. This method can now be called from anywhere in the JSP page.

Calling Declared Methods

Once you have declared a method, calling it is straightforward. You can call it within scriptlet tags <% %> or expression tags <%= %>, depending on whether you want to execute the method or output its return value directly to the page.

Example of Calling a Method:

    int result = addNumbers(5, 10);
    out.println("The result is: " + result);

Or, to output the result directly:

The result is: <%= addNumbers(5, 10) %>

Best Practices

  1. Keep JSP Pages Simple: While declaring methods in JSP pages is possible, it’s generally best to keep business logic out of JSP pages. Use JavaBeans, servlets, or other Java classes to handle complex logic.
  2. Reusability: If you find yourself using the same method across multiple JSP pages, consider moving it to a common Java class. This promotes code reusability and cleaner design.
  3. Performance Considerations: Remember that each JSP page is compiled into a servlet. Declaring methods directly in JSP pages can lead to bloated servlet classes. Use methods judiciously.


Suppose you’re building a web application that calculates the Body Mass Index (BMI) of users. You could declare a method in your JSP page to perform the calculation:

    public double calculateBMI(double weight, double height) {
        return weight / (height * height);

Then, you could use this method to calculate and display a user’s BMI:

    double bmi = calculateBMI(68, 1.75);
    out.println("Your BMI is: " + bmi);


Declaring methods in JSP pages allows you to encapsulate reusable code and perform complex operations directly within your JSP pages. However, it’s important to use this feature judiciously and adhere to best practices for code organization and maintainability. For complex applications, consider separating business logic from presentation by using servlets, JavaBeans, or other appropriate Java classes.