How to Declare Array in JSP? Give an example

Short Answer

Declaring an array in JSP is similar to how you do it in Java. You can use scriptlets or declarations.

In a scriptlet, you put Java code inside <% %> tags. For example, <% String[] colors = {"White", "Blue", "Black"}; %> creates an array of colors.

You can also declare arrays in declarations with <%! %> tags for use across the whole JSP page. For instance, <%! int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3}; %> makes an array of numbers available everywhere on the page.

Arrays help you store and manage lists of items, making it easier to work with multiple related values in your web pages.

Detailed Answer

Declaring Arrays in JSP

Arrays are a fundamental part of programming, allowing you to store and manage multiple values under a single variable name. In JSP, declaring arrays enables you to handle collections of data efficiently, such as lists of user inputs, product information, or other data sets relevant to your web application.

Using Scriptlets

Scriptlets are one way to declare arrays in JSP. They allow you to embed Java code directly into the HTML content. When you declare an array within a scriptlet, it is accessible only within the scope of that scriptlet.

Example of Declaring an Array in a Scriptlet:

    String[] fruits = {"Guava", "Banana", "Mango"};
    for(String fruit : fruits) {
        out.println(fruit + "<br>");

In this example, an array of fruits is declared and then iterated over using a for-each loop, printing each fruit to the response.

Using Declarations

Declarations provide another way to declare arrays in JSP. Unlike scriptlets, variables declared in declarations are accessible throughout the entire JSP page. This is useful when you need to use the array across different parts of the page.

Example of Declaring an Array in a Declaration:

    double[] numbers = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4};

This array of numbers is declared at the class level of the servlet generated from the JSP page, making it accessible in any scriptlet or expression within the page.

Accessing Array Elements

Once you have declared an array, accessing its elements is straightforward. You can use the array index to access a specific element. Array indices start at 0.

Example of Accessing an Array Element:

    out.println("The first fruit is: " + fruits[0]);

This line of code would print “The first fruit is: Guava” to the response.

Modifying Array Elements

You can also modify the elements of an array after it has been declared.

Example of Modifying an Array Element:

    fruits[2] = "Orange";

This code changes the third element of the fruits array from “Mango” to “Orange”.

Best Practices

  1. Initialization: Always initialize your arrays to avoid null pointer exceptions.
  2. Scope Awareness: Use scriptlets for local declarations and declarations for page-wide access.
  3. Array Length: Use the .length property to get the size of the array, especially when iterating over it to avoid index out of bounds exceptions.


Arrays in JSP are a powerful way to work with collections of data. Whether you’re displaying a list of products on an e-commerce site or processing user inputs from a form, arrays can simplify the management and manipulation of data. By understanding how to declare and use arrays within JSP pages, you can build more dynamic and interactive web applications. Remember to choose between scriptlets and declarations based on the scope you need and to follow best practices for working with arrays in Java.