Explain How to declare Variable in JSP

Short Answer

Declaring a variable in JSP is quite simple. You can do it in two main ways: 1). using scriptlets or 2). using declarations.

In scriptlets, you write Java code inside <% %> tags. For example, <% int number = 10; %> declares an integer variable named number with a value of 10.

In declarations, you use <%! %> tags to declare variables. This way, the variable is available to the whole JSP page, not just where you declared it.

For example, <%! int count = 0; %> makes a count variable that you can use anywhere on the page. Remember, variables help you store and manage data in your JSP pages, making your web applications dynamic and interactive.

Detailed Answer

How to Declare Variables in JSP?

In JSP, variables are essential for storing data that your web page can use to display or process information dynamically. There are primarily two ways to declare variables in JSP: through scriptlets and declarations. Understanding these methods is crucial for effective JSP development.

Using Scriptlets

Scriptlets are snippets of Java code enclosed within <% %> tags. Variables declared within scriptlets are local to the block they are declared in. This means they are only accessible within the same scriptlet block.


    String message = "Hello, Scriptlets!";

In this example, the message variable is declared within a scriptlet and is used to print “Hello, Scriptlets!” to the client’s browser. The variable message is only accessible within this scriptlet block.

Using Declarations

Declarations are used to declare variables that are accessible throughout the entire JSP page. You declare these variables within <%! %> tags. Variables declared this way are essentially class-level variables in the servlet that the JSP page gets compiled into.


    int counter = 0;

Here, counter is a variable that can be accessed and modified by any scriptlet or expression within the same JSP page. It’s useful for storing data that needs to be shared across different parts of the page.

Scope of Variables

Understanding the scope of variables is important. Variables declared in scriptlets have a local scope, meaning they are only accessible within the same scriptlet. On the other hand, variables declared in declarations have a page-wide scope, making them accessible throughout the JSP page.

Best Practices

  1. Minimize Scriptlet Use: While scriptlets are powerful, overusing them can make your JSP pages hard to read and maintain. Consider using JSP tags and expressions where possible.
  2. Initialize Variables: Always initialize your variables. This helps avoid null pointer exceptions and other runtime errors.
  3. Use Meaningful Names: Choose clear and meaningful names for your variables. This makes your code easier to understand and maintain.
  4. Consider Scope: Use the narrowest scope possible for your variables. This helps prevent unintended modifications and makes your code more secure.


Imagine you’re building a web application that counts the number of visitors to a page. You could use a declaration to initialize a counter variable and a scriptlet to increment and display it.


    int count = 0;

Scriptlet to Increment and Display:

    count ++;
    out.println("count: " + count);

In this example, visitorCount is accessible throughout the JSP page, allowing you to track and display the number of visitors easily.


Declaring variables in JSP is a straightforward process, whether you use scriptlets or declarations. By understanding these methods and following best practices, you can effectively manage data within your JSP pages, creating dynamic and interactive web applications. Remember, the choice between scriptlets and declarations depends on the scope you need for your variables and the overall design of your JSP page.