Count Alphabets, Digits, Special Characters in String using Java

JAVA to count alphabets, digits, and special characters in string

In this tutorial, we are going to learn java program to count the number of alphabets, digits, and special characters present in an input string from the user. For any input string, we are going to print the number of alphabets (‘a’-‘z’ and ‘A’-‘Z’), the number of digits(0-9), and the number of special characters present. … Read more

Java Program to Replace First Occurrence Vowel with ‘-‘ in a String

Replace First Occurrence Vowel With - In A String in java

In this tutorial, We will learn writing java program to Replace First vowel that occurs in the input string with ‘-‘. For any input string, we have to find vowels which occurs very first in the string and print the character after replacing that vowels with ‘-‘. For example Java Program to Replace First Occurrence … Read more

Java Program to Print Maximum Occurred Character in String

Print Maximum Occurred Character In String in java

In this tutorial, we will learn to print the character which occurs the most. For any input string, we have to check the number of occurrences of each character and print the character with the maximum number of occurrences. For example Java Program to Print Maximum Occurred Character in String Output Explanation In this output, … Read more

Java Program to Count Vowels and Consonants in the String

In this tutorial, we are going to learn java programming to count the number of vowels (‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’) and consonants (any alphabet other than vowels) in a string. For any input string, we have to count the number of vowels that appear and the number of consonants that appear. And returns the … Read more

Java Program to remove Vowels from the String

Remove Vowels From The String in java

In this tutorial, we are going to learn java programming to remove all vowels present in the string. For any input string, we have to check whether the string contains vowels or not, if it does then remove the vowels and print the output. For Example Java Program to Remove Vowel from Given String Output … Read more

Java Program to Convert Lowercase vowel into Uppercase in String

Convert Lowercase Vowel Into Uppercase In String in java

In this tutorial, we are going to learn a python program to convert vowels (‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’) with their respective uppercase. For any input as a string from the user, we have to convert all the vowels present in the string with their respective uppercases. For example Java Program to convert Lowercase Vowel … Read more

Java program to Convert Lowercase Character to Uppercase Character

Convert Lowercase Character To Uppercase Character in java

In this tutorial, we are going to java a java program to convert lowercase characters (alphabet) into uppercase characters (alphabet). For any input string, any lowercase character used in input string will be replaced with uppercase character of same alphabet as lowercase character. For example Java Program to Convert Lowercase Character to Uppercase Character Output … Read more

Replace Spaces of String with a Character in Java

In this tutorial we will learn writing java program to replace blank spaces of a String with a given character. The program will accept one string and one character from the user. Program 1 : Replace Space with Given Input using replace() method Java Output Explanation: Here, the user input string ‘quescol Website’, and a … Read more