50+ Mostly asked Java Interview Questions for 6 Years Exp.

1. Explain the SOLID principles in Java. Provide examples of how you have applied these principles in your projects. 2. What is the difference between composition and inheritance? When would you use each? 3. Explain the concept of Java memory model. How does it ensure thread safety? 4. How does Java handle concurrent programming? Explain … Read more

Java Program to Print All Even Numbers in Array

Print All Even Numbers In Array in java

In this tutorial, we will learn writing Java program to create an array and print the even elements stored in the array. Our program will first take the input of array size and then the elements of the array. And then prints all the even numbers from the elements of the input array. For Example … Read more

Java Program to Insert Element At the End of Array

Insert Element At The End Of Array in java

In this tutorial, we will learn writing Java Program to insert an element at the end of an array and print the array. Our program will add an element at the end of the given array (list). For example Java Program to Insert Element At the End of Array Output Explanation For the given array … Read more

Count Alphabets, Digits, Special Characters in String using Java

JAVA to count alphabets, digits, and special characters in string

In this tutorial, we are going to learn java program to count the number of alphabets, digits, and special characters present in an input string from the user. For any input string, we are going to print the number of alphabets (‘a’-‘z’ and ‘A’-‘Z’), the number of digits(0-9), and the number of special characters present. … Read more

Convert Fahrenheit into Celsius Program in Java

Fahrenheit To Celsius Conversion Program in java

In this tutorial, we are going to learn a python program to convert Fahrenheit into Celsius. This program will be simple because we have a Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion formula for this temperature conversion. We will use this conversion formula in our java program for this conversion. Our Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion program behavior? Java … Read more

H.C.F. or G.C.D. Of Two Number Program in Java

H.C.F. Or G.C.D. Of Two Number Program in java

In this tutorial, we are going to learn writing java program to calculate the Highest Common Factor of two numbers. Our program will take two numbers as the inputs given by the user and returns the h.c.f. of given numbers. For example, for the inputs of the two numbers 4 and 6. Our program will … Read more

Java Program to Calculate Square root of Number

Calculate Square root of Number

In this tutorial, we are going to learn writing java program to calculate the square root of a given number.Our Program will take a number from the users as an input, and will return the square root of that number as output. What is Square root of Number? Square root can be defined as a factor … Read more