In this tutorial, we are going to learn a python program to convert vowels (‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’) with their respective uppercase. For any input as a string from the user, we have to convert all the vowels present in the string with their respective uppercases.
For example
Case1: If the user is given an input ‘java’
Then, the output must be ‘jAvA’.
The vowel present in the string is ‘a’ which get converted into ‘A’.
Case2: If the user is given an input ‘program’
Then, the output must be ‘prOgrAm’.
The vowels present in the string are ‘o’ and ‘a’ which get converted into ‘O’ and ‘A’.
Java Program to convert Lowercase Vowel to Uppercase in String

In this case, the input string ‘java’ contains one vowels ‘a’ which gets converted into ‘A’ and replaced with the same. After replacement output will be jAvA.