Find All Pairs in Array whose Sum is Equal to given number Using Java

Find All Pairs In Array Whose Sum Is Equal To Given Number in java

In this tutorial, we will learn to write Java Program to find all pairs of integers in an array whose sum is equal to a given number. There are multiple ways to solve this problem in Java and We will in this article. For Example Output It means the sum of (2,10) and (4,8) give … Read more

Java Program to find GCD of two Numbers using Recursion

Find GCD Of Two Numbers Using Recursion in java

GCD or Greatest Common Divisor, is a very important mathematical concept. It is used to find the largest positive integer that divides each number without leaving a remainder. Here in this post, we will learn how to write Java Program to find the GCD of two numbers using recursion in Java. For Example: We have … Read more

Python Program to Separate Characters in a Given String

python program to Separate Characters In A Given String

In this Python programming tutorial, we will be learning to write Python programs to separate the character in a given string. String manipulation is an important aspect of programming. In Python, strings are a sequence of characters and are immutable. Immutable means we cannot modify it once created. In some scenarios, we might be required … Read more

Python Program to find Prime factors of given integer

python program to Find Prime Factors Of Given Integer

In this tutorial, you will learn to write a Python program to find the Prime factors of a given input integer. Prime factorization is a mathematical process of breaking down a number into its prime factors. We can also say that it is a representation of a composite number as a product of its prime … Read more

Java program to Print Prime Number in Given Range

Print Prime Number In Given Range in java

In this tutorial, we will learn writing Java program to print all the prime numbers that are present in the given range. Problem Statement What is Prime Number? Prime Numbers are the numbers that have only 2 factors 1 and the number itself. It is only defined for the number which is greater than ‘1’. … Read more

Python Program to find top two maximum number in array

find top two maximum number in array

In this tutorial, you will learn how to write Python program to find the first top two largest/maximum element in python. To find two maximum number in python, first we will sort our array in ascending order (you can also implement it by sorting in descending order). Now select last two distinct element which will … Read more

Python Program to Print non repeating char in String

python program to Find All Non Repeating Characters In The String

In this tutorial, we will learn writing the python program to print all characters of the string which are not repeating. We can say the character are available only one time in string. Problem Statement Take any string as an input from the user and check if any character in the string is repeating or … Read more

Replace string space with given character in Python

Replace string space with given character

In this tutorial we are going to learn writing python program to replace the string space with given character. Problem Statement For a given string we have to replace all the spaces with the character given by the user as an input. For example: Our logic to replace a string with given character Algorithm to … Read more

Python program to check given character is vowel or consonant

Check Given Character Is Vowel Or Consonant in python

In this tutorial we are going to learn writing python program to check given character is a vowel ( a, e, i, o, u) or any other alphabet other than vowels(consonant) . Problem statement For any input character, we have to check whether a character is a vowel or consonant. For example: Our logic to … Read more