Python program to convert vowel to uppercase in string

Python program to convert vowel to uppercase character

In this tutorial, we are going to learn writing python program to convert vowels (‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’) with their respective uppercase. Problem Statement For any input as a string from the user, we have to convert all the vowels present in the string with their respective uppercases. For example: Our logic to convert … Read more

Python program to remove vowels from the string

Remove Vowels From The String in python

In this tutorial, we are going to learn writing python program to remove all vowels present in the string. Problem Statement For any input string, we have to check whether the string contains vowels or not, if it does then remove the vowels and print the output. For example: Our logic to remove vowels from … Read more

Python Program to count Vowels and Consonants in String

python program to Count Vowels And Consonants In String

In this tutorial, we are going to learn writing python programming to count the number of vowels (‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’) and consonants (any alphabet other than vowels) in a string. Problem Statement For any input string, we have to count the number of vowels that appear and the number of consonants that appear. … Read more

Python program to print odd numbers from array (list)

python program to Print Odd Numbers From Array (List)

In this tutorial, we will learn writing program in Python to create an array (list in case of python) and print the odd elements stored in the array (list). Problem Statement Our program will first take the input of array (list) size and then the elements of the array (list) from the user. And then … Read more

Perform right rotation on array by two positions in Python

C Program To Perform Right Rotation In Array By Two Positions

In this tutorial, we will learn to create an array (list in case of python) and rotate the elements stored in the array (list) by two positions using python.  That means if our array (list) is: After two rotations: Problem Statement Our program will first take the input of array (list) size and then the … Read more

Perform right rotation by n on array (list) in Python

Python program to perform right rotation of array (list) elements by n positions

In this tutorial, we will learn to create an array (list in case of python) and rotate the elements stored in the array (list) by ‘n’ positions. The value of ‘n’ is also taken input by the user.  That means if our array (list) is: After the user inputs the rotation value 3, then the … Read more

Check character is digit using ‘isdigit()’ in Python

Check character is digit using 'isdigit()'

In this tutorial we are going to check if the character is Digit ( 0-9) or not using isdigit() function in python. Problem statement For the any input character we have to check character is digit or not. For example: Our logic to check given character is digit or not using ‘isdigit()’ function Algorithm to … Read more

Replace Space of string with character using replace() in Python

Python program to replace a string with given character using replace() function

In this tutorial we are going to learn writing python program to replace a space of string with given character. Problem Statement Our problem statement is, We have one string and a character. Now we want to replace that input character with the all space of string. The main string where the space are available … Read more

Python Program to check given input is digit or not

Check Given Input Is Digit Or Not in python

In this tutorial we are going to learn writing program to check if the a given input is Digit ( 0-9) or not. We will also see the explanation on this python program. Problem statement For the any input, We have to check a given input character is digit or not. For example: Our logic … Read more

Python program to calculate the power using ‘while-loop’

Calculate The Power Using While-Loop in python

In this tutorial, we are going to learn a python program to calculate the power of a given number without using inbuild python pow function. Problem Statement For any two numbers that are inputs given by the user, one is the base value let’s say it as ‘x’ and the other is the exponent let’s … Read more