In this tutorial, we will learn writing the python program to print the character which has occurred the most in given string.
Problem Statement
For any input string, we have to check the number of occurrences of each character and print the character with the maximum number of occurrences.
For example:
Case1: If the user enters the string ‘Python is fun’
The output should be ‘n’, as the character ‘n’, occurs 2 times which is maximum in all other character occurrences in the string.
Case2: If the user enters the string ‘Engineer’
The output should be ‘e’, as the characters ‘e’, occurs 3 times which is maximum in all other character occurrences in the string.
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Our logic to print maximum occurred character in the string
- Our program will take a string input from the user using the ‘input()’ function.
- A dictionary is initialized to store character as its key and the number of times of characters occurrences as the value.
- Then the maximum value of ‘value’ stored in dictionary is printed as the output of our program.
- The maximum value of ‘value’ of the dictionary is calculated using python built-in function max().
Algorithm to print maximum occurred character in the string
Step1: Start
Step2: Take a string as an input from the user.
Step3: Create an empty dictionary as char_count={} to store character and its number of occurrences.
Step4: Use for loop to iterate through the string.
Step5: if i in char_count:
Char_count[i] = char_count[i]+1
char_count[i] = 1
Step6: Find maximum among ‘value’ of key-value pair in dictionary using max() function.
Step7: print the value obtained using the max() function.
Step8: Stop
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Python code to print maximum occurred character in the string
Output 1:

In this output, for the input string ‘qquescccol’, the dictionary stores the key: value pairs as :
{ ‘q’: 2, ‘u’:1, ‘e’: 1, ‘s’:1, ‘c’:3, ‘o’:1’, ‘l’:1 }
Then the max() function is used with the ‘value’ of key: value pairs of the dictionary, which returns the largest value of the ‘value’ of key: value pair, which is 3 and the key corresponding to that value, which is character ‘c’. As the result, the output obtained in this case “c occurred maximum times”, which is correct.