Binary search tree in data structure

A binary search tree is one of the variants of the binary tree, also known as an ordered binary tree, in which the nodes are arranged in order by some rule mentioned below. Node of binary search tree follows order mentioned below The value of all nodes in the left sub-tree or left child should … Read more

Binary search algorithm in data structure with explanation

Binary search is a very efficient searching technique for finding an element from a sorted Array. This technique follows the divide and conquers approach to perform a searching operation. Suppose we have 10,000 sorted elements in an array and want to search a value in that array. If we follow linear searching, then in the … Read more

linear search in data structure with Algo and Program

A linear search or sequential search is a searching method to check a desired element or data in a given Array in computer science. In linear searching technique, each element of an Array is compared with the value for which we perform the search operation. If matches are found, it will return the array index … Read more

Singly Linked List, Its Advantage and Disadvantage

Singly Linked List is a linear and dynamic data structure. It stores elements at non-contiguous memory locations.It consists of a group of nodes in a sequence and each node has two fields, one contains data and the other contains the address of the next node.The linked list does not allow direct access to the element. … Read more

Difference between Array and Linked List

Both Array and Linked List are used to store the data having a similar type, but the difference is that array takes memory locations in contiguous fashion at compile-time, i.e. when we declare of an array, while elements of the linked list take memory, not in contiguous fashion and takes memory at runtime. Array VS … Read more