Python program to calculate the square root of a number

In this tutorial, we are going to learn a python program to calculate the square root of a given number.

Problem Statement

For any number that are inputs given by the user, we have to print the square root of that number.

 For example:

Case1: If the user inputs the number as 4.

           then the output should be ‘2’.

Case2: If the user inputs the number as 25.

            then the output should be ‘5’.

Our logic to calculate the square root of a given number

  • Our program will take an integer as input from the user.
  • It then checks if the number is negative or not.
  • Then using the ‘sqrt()’ function it will calculate the square root of the given number. And returns it as the output of our program.

Algorithm to calculate the square root of a given number

Step 1: Start

Step 2: import math library

Step 3: take an integer input from the user and store it in num variable.

Step 4: if num<0:

    print(“Negative numbers can’t have square roots”)


    print(“square roots = “,math.sqrt(num))

Step 5: Stop

Python program to calculate the square root of a given number

Output 1:

python program to find square root


For input 81, the output generated by our program is math.sqrt(81) which is equal to 9.0.

Output 2:

square root program in python


For input 81, the output generated by our program is math.sqrt(25) which is equal to 5.0.