What is Dynamic HTML? How Dynamic HTML (DHTML) is used with Javascript

Short Answer

Dynamic HTML, or DHTML, is a mix of web technologies that makes websites interactive. It uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript together. When you click or move your mouse on a webpage, and things change without loading a new page, that’s DHTML at work.

For example, when you hover over a menu and it drops down, that’s DHTML. JavaScript tells the webpage to change the style of the menu, making it visible. This happens right away, without waiting for the server.

Detailed Answer

Dynamic HTML, or DHTML, is not a programming language but a term that describes the combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create interactive and animated websites. It allows web pages to change their appearance and content in response to user actions without needing to reload.

How DHTML works with JavaScript?

  1. HTML: This is the structure of the web page. It’s like the skeleton of a body.
  2. CSS: This adds style to the HTML. It’s like the clothes on the skeleton.
  3. JavaScript: This makes the page do things. It’s like the muscles that move the skeleton.

When you use DHTML, JavaScript plays a key role. It can change the HTML and CSS on the page. This means that the page can react to what you do, like clicking or moving your mouse.


  • Menus: When you hover over a menu item, JavaScript can change the CSS to show a dropdown menu.
  • Forms: As you fill out a form, JavaScript can check your answers and tell you if there’s a mistake.
  • Animations: JavaScript can move things around on the page, like sliding images or fading in text.

Here’s a simple example demonstrating DHTML in action. This example will show how you can use JavaScript to dynamically change the content and style of an HTML element when a user clicks a button.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>DHTML Example</title>

<h1 id="header">Hello, World!</h1>
<button id="changeButton">Change Content and Style</button>

<script src="script.js"></script>

CSS (inline for simplicity, but it’s usually in a separate file):

    .changed {
        color: red;
        font-weight: bold;
        font-size: 24px;

JavaScript (script.js):

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    document.getElementById('changeButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
        var header = document.getElementById('header');
        // Change the content of the header
        header.textContent = 'Welcome to DHTML!';

        // Dynamically change the style using CSS class
        header.className = 'changed';

In this example:

  • The HTML part consists of a header (<h1>) element and a button. The header displays a simple message, and the button is intended to trigger the dynamic change.
  • The CSS defines a class .changed that changes the text color to red, makes it bold, and increases its font size. This demonstrates how CSS is used to define the styles that JavaScript will apply dynamically.
  • The JavaScript waits for the DOM content to be fully loaded and then adds an event listener to the button. When the button is clicked, the JavaScript code changes the text content of the header and applies the CSS class changed to it, which alters its appearance.

This simple example encapsulates the essence of DHTML by using JavaScript to dynamically modify both the content (HTML) and presentation (CSS) of the webpage in response to user actions, without requiring a page reload. It’s a fundamental technique for enhancing the interactivity and responsiveness of web pages.

Important points about DHTML

  • Interactive: DHTML makes web pages respond to user actions.
  • Live Changes: With DHTML, changes happen as soon as you do something, like clicking.
  • No Page Reloads: You don’t have to wait for a new page to load to see changes.

In conclusion, DHTML makes websites fun and interactive. It uses HTML for structure, CSS for style, and JavaScript for action. Together, they make web pages that can change and respond right away. This makes your experience on the web smoother and more enjoyable.