How do you perform Client-Side validation using JavaScript?

Short Answer Client-side validation is a crucial part of web development that helps ensure users fill out form fields correctly before submitting the data to the server. This improves user experience by providing immediate feedback on input errors and reduces server load since fewer invalid forms are submitted. To perform client-side validation using JavaScript, we … Read more

Detailed note on Object in JavaScript

Short Answer In JavaScript, an object is like a container for values. These values are written as name:value pairs called properties. Objects can also have functions, which are actions they can do. You can make objects to represent real-world things, like a car with properties for color and speed, and a function to drive. Detailed … Read more

Form Object in JavaScript

Short Answer In JavaScript, a form object lets you work with HTML forms. It holds all the form elements like text fields, buttons, and checkboxes. You can use JavaScript to get information from a form, check the data, and change form elements. This helps make sure the information entered by the users is correct or … Read more

Advantage and Disadvantage of Scripting Language

Short Answer Scripting languages, like JavaScript and Python, are great for making tasks easier and faster. They let you automate things and make websites or apps interactive. However, they can be slower than other languages and might not be the best for big, complex programs. Detailed Answer Advantages of Scripting Languages: Disadvantages of Scripting Languages: … Read more