Table Tag in HTML with its Attributes

Short Answer

The <table> tag in HTML creates a table. It holds rows (<tr>), headers (<th>), and cells (<td>). Common attributes include border, specifying the border thickness; cellpadding, setting space inside cells; and cellspacing, defining space between cells. Using these attributes, you can design tables for data display. For example, <table border="1"> makes a table with a border thickness of 1. Tables organize data neatly, making it easy for users to read.

Detailed Answer

Introduction to the <table> Tag

The <table> tag in HTML is a powerful tool. It helps you display data in rows and columns. This makes information clear and easy to understand. When you use the <table> tag, you start a new table.

Key Attributes

  1. Border: This attribute controls the border’s thickness around the table. For instance, <table border="2"> gives you a table with a 2-pixel border.
  2. Cellpadding: It sets the space between the cell’s content and its border. So, <table cellpadding="5"> creates more room inside each cell, making the content easier to read.
  3. Cellspacing: This attribute manages the space between cells. By setting <table cellspacing="10">, you ensure there’s enough room between your table’s cells, avoiding a cramped look.

Structuring Tables

  • Rows and Columns: Inside a table, <tr> tags define rows. Each row can hold table headers (<th>) and table cells (<td>). Headers are bold and centered by default, highlighting important information. Cells contain the data.
  • Example: Here’s a simple table with two columns and two rows:
<table border="1">
        <th>Header 1</th>
        <th>Header 2</th>
        <td>Row 1, Cell 1</td>
        <td>Row 1, Cell 2</td>

Enhancing Tables

  • Merging Cells: The colspan and rowspan attributes let you merge cells horizontally and vertically. This is useful for headers that span multiple columns or rows.
  • Styling Tables: CSS can change the look of your tables. You can alter borders, background colors, and more. This makes your tables fit your website’s design better.


The <table> tag is vital for displaying structured data. Its attributes, like border, cellpadding, and cellspacing, help customize your tables. Remember, well-designed tables improve readability and user experience. Keep practicing to master table creation and styling for your websites.