Different type of Tags used for Styling in HTML

Short Answer

In HTML, styling tags change how content looks on a web page. These tags can make text bold, italic, underline, and more. Here are a few key styling tags:

  • <b> makes text bold. It’s used to highlight important words.
  • <i> turns text italic. It’s often used to show emphasis or for foreign words.
  • <u> underlines text. This tag is less common now but still used for emphasis.
  • <em> also makes text italic, but it shows that the text is very important or stressed.
  • <strong> makes text bold, indicating it’s of high importance.
  • <style> is used in the head section to include CSS styles directly within an HTML document.
  • <span> is a container tag that doesn’t change the text by itself but can be used with CSS to style a specific part of the text.

Using these tags, you can make your web pages more attractive and emphasize the parts of your content that matter most.

Detailed Answer

HTML Styling Tags

HTML offers a variety of tags specifically for styling content. While CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is now the main technology for styling web pages, HTML includes several tags that directly impact the visual appearance of text and other elements. Understanding these tags is crucial for web designers and developers aiming to create engaging and well-structured websites.

Common HTML Styling Tags

Bold and Italic Tags:

  • <b>: This tag bolds text, making it stand out. It’s useful for highlighting keywords or important information.
  • <i>: Italicizes text, which can denote emphasis, a foreign language, or a thought.

Emphasis Tags:

  • <em>: Emphasizes text, which typically renders as italic. It indicates that the text has a stressed importance or emphasis.
  • <strong>: Conveys strong importance to the text, usually shown as bold. It’s used to highlight very important text.

Underline Tag:

  • <u>: Underlines text. Traditionally used for emphasis, its use is now discouraged in favor of CSS for decoration purposes, as underlining can confuse text with hyperlinks.

The Style and Span Tags:

<style>: Used within the <head> section of an HTML document to write CSS rules that define how elements should appear on the webpage. It’s a powerful tool for styling multiple elements across the page consistently.

<span>: A container tag that, by itself, doesn’t apply any styling. However, when combined with CSS (either inline styles or external stylesheets), it can be used to apply specific styles to text segments without affecting their block-level properties.

Examples of Styling Tags in Use

To illustrate how these tags can be applied, consider the following examples:

Using <b> and <i> for Text Styling:

<p>This is <b>important</b> and this is <i>italic</i>.</p>

Emphasizing Text with <em> and <strong>:

<p>This is <em>Quescol</em>Educational <strong>Website</strong></p>

Applying CSS with <style> and <span>:

  .highlight { color: red; }
<p>This is a <span class="highlight">highlighted</span> text.</p>

In the last example, the <style> tag defines a CSS class named .highlight that changes the text color to red. The <span> tag is then used to apply this class to a specific part of the paragraph.

The Role of CSS

While HTML provides these basic styling tags, modern web design heavily relies on CSS for more complex and refined styling. CSS separates content (HTML) from presentation (styling), allowing for more flexible and maintainable code. For example, while <b> and <strong> both make text bold, using CSS, you can precisely control how “bold” the text appears, apply additional styles like color and font size, and much more.


HTML styling tags play a vital role in web design, allowing developers to apply basic styles directly within HTML documents. However, for more advanced and customizable styling, CSS is the preferred method, providing a broader range of stylistic options and greater control over the webpage’s appearance. Understanding both HTML styling tags and CSS is essential for creating visually appealing and accessible web content.