Print highest frequency Character in String in Python

Print highest frequency Character in String in Python

In this post, we will learn to write Python programs to print the highest frequency character in a String. We will see different approaches to achieve our requirements along with their explanations. Problem statement: For the Given input string we need to find the character(s) with the highest frequency. It means we have to print … Read more

Python Program to Convert lowercase vowel to uppercase

python program to Convert Lowercase Vowel To Uppercase

In this Python program tutorial, we will learn to write a program to convert lowercase vowels to uppercase in a given string. We will a String from users as input and check each character in the string. If the character is a lowercase vowel, we will convert it to uppercase. When we checked all characters … Read more

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit in Python

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

In this tutorial, we will learn to write a Python program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit. Celsius and Fahrenheit are two units that are commonly used to measure temperature. Celsius is the standard unit for measuring temperature in most parts of the world, while Fahrenheit is commonly used in the United States. For Example: Input: … Read more

Python Program to Convert Decimal Number into Binary

python program to Convert Decimal Number Into Binary

In computer science, binary code is used to represent numbers, letters, and symbols. Binary Code contains only two distinct digits, 0 and 1. Converting decimal numbers into binary code requires some basic operation. In this post, we will discuss writing a Python program to convert decimal numbers to binary code. The binary number system is … Read more

Python Program to Replace First Vowel With ‘-‘ in String

python program to Replace First Vowel With - In String

In this tutorial, we will learn to write a Python program to replace the first occurrence of a vowel with a hyphen (‘-‘) in a given string. Suppose if some given input is “ram” then the output will look like “r-m”. For Example: Program to Replace first occurrence of Vowel with ‘-‘ in String In … Read more

Python Program to find Prime factors of given integer

python program to Find Prime Factors Of Given Integer

In this tutorial, you will learn to write a Python program to find the Prime factors of a given input integer. Prime factorization is a mathematical process of breaking down a number into its prime factors. We can also say that it is a representation of a composite number as a product of its prime … Read more

Python Program to Print Prime Number in given range

python program to Print Prime Number In Given Range

In this tutorial, we will be learning to write Python program to Print prime numbers in a given range. A prime number is a number that is divisible only by 1 and itself. In this post we will discuss multiple approaches to write a Python program to print all prime numbers in a given range. … Read more