Python Program to Search an element in Singly linked list

python program to Search An Element In Singly Linked List

In this tutorial, we will learn writing python program to perform search operation to find an element in the singly linked list. Problem Statement Our program takes the element of the linked list from the user as the input. And then, it takes another input from the user to search the element in the linked … Read more

Python program to reverse the singly linked list

python program to Reverse The Singly Linked List

In this tutorial, we are going to learn the python program to reverse the singly linked list. Problem Statement Our program will take the linked list elements from the user as the input and return the reversed linked list. For example: What is a single linked list? A linked list is the collection of elements … Read more

Linked list Deletion in Python: At beginning, End, Given location

Linked list Deletion in Python: At beginning, End, Given location

In this tutorial, we are going to learn the python program to create a singly linked list and delete a node at the beginning, at the end, and at the given location of the singly linked list. Problem Statement Our program will delete an element at the beginning, at the end, and at the given … Read more

Python program to insert a node in linked list

python program to Insert A Node In Linked List

In this tutorial, we are going to learn the python program to create a singly linked list and add a node at the beginning, at the end, and at the given location of the singly linked list. Problem Statement Our program will add an element at the beginning, at the end, and at the given … Read more

Singly linked list: Create and Traverse Python Program

To create and traverse singly Linked List

  In this tutorial, we are going to learn the python program to create a singly linked list and traverse its elements. Problem Statement Our program will take the elements of the linked list from the user as the input and then print the elements of the linked list. For example What is a Linked List? … Read more