On this page, you will find Most important and Mostly asked previous year questions in your b tech semester exam from unit 5 Object Oriented Testing of the Software Testing subject.
- Explain about Object-Oriented Testing. Which types of tools are used for testing Object-Oriented System?
- Explain the various type of Issues involved in Object-Oriented Testing.
- Explain the Various methods used in Object-Oriented Testing.
- Write Difference between Procedural Software Testing and Object-Oriented Software Testing.
- What is Web Testing? Write its Checklist.
- What is GUI(Graphical User Interface) Testing? Write the various approaches used for GUI testing.
- What is Usability testing? Write the various methods of Usability Testing.
- Write the Goals of Usability Testing.
- Write the advantages and disadvantages of Usability Testing.
- What is Security Testing? Write its Various Types.
- Write the Classification of Security Testing.
- What is the Performance Testing? Write its Various Types and Attributes.
- Write the various parameters of Performance Testing.
- Explain the various processes of Performance Testing.
- What do you understand by Database Testing? Why we are doing Database Testing?
- Explain the various types of Database Testing.
- What is Post Deployment Testing? What are the various criteria for deciding suggestions need attention.
- Write the difference between GUI and Usability testing.