C program to swap two numbers using third variable


In this tutorial you will learn swapping of two numbers using third variable C in  programming language.

You can also see swapping of two number in C without using third variable.

How our program will behave?

In the swapping program using third variable we will assign two different value to two different variables.

We have also a third variable to store temporary variable in it.

Example of swapping : a=2 and b=4

Now after execution of swapping program output will be like

a=4 and b = 2

Swapping of two numbers using third variable in C language

void main() {
  int a, b, tempvar;
  printf("enter the value of a: ");
  scanf("%d", & a);
  printf("enter the value of b: ");
  scanf("%d", & b);
  tempvar = a;
  a = b;
  b = tempvar;
  printf("After swapping \n");
  printf("value of a is : %d \n", a);
  printf("value of b is : %d ", b);

Output 1:

Enter the value of a: 23
Enter the value of b: 43
After swapping 
Value of a is : 43 
Value of b is : 23 

Output 2:

Enter the value of a: 12
Enter the value of b: 98
After swapping 
Value of a is : 98 
Value of b is : 12 

Explanation of the above program

  • Above program is for swapping two number in C using third variable.
  • In the above program there are three variables a, b  in which we assign the user inputs and tempvar is to persist the one variable value.
  • Here the logic is very simple. We are just exchanging the value with no any mathematical calculation.
  • We are assigning the value of a in tempvar and then value of b into a. And at last tempvar value into b.
  • Only this is the simple logic.

I hope this is clear to you.

Thanks for reading.

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