What do you mean by JDBC? How JDBC works?

Short Answer

JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity. It’s a way for Java programs to talk to databases. With JDBC, you can ask a database to do things like read data or save new information. Here’s how it works: First, your Java program uses JDBC to connect to a database. Then, it sends SQL commands to do stuff like adding or getting data. Lastly, the program gets the results back and can use them. JDBC makes it easy for Java programs to work with all kinds of databases.

Detailed Answer

What is JDBC?

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a Java API that allows Java applications to interact with databases. It provides a set of interfaces and classes that Java programs can use to connect to a database, execute SQL queries, and retrieve results. JDBC acts as a bridge between the Java application and the database, enabling the application to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations and manage transactions.

How JDBC Works?

JDBC works by following a series of steps that establish a connection to the database, execute SQL statements, and process the results. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

1. Load the JDBC Driver

The first step is to load the JDBC driver. A JDBC driver is a software component that enables Java applications to interact with a specific type of database. Different databases require different drivers, but the loading process is generally the same.


2. Establish a Connection

Once the driver is loaded, the next step is to establish a connection to the database using the DriverManager class. This requires specifying the database URL, username, and password.

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydatabase", "username", "password");

3. Create a Statement

With the connection established, you can create a Statement object to send SQL commands to the database. There are different types of statements, including Statement, PreparedStatement, and CallableStatement, each serving different purposes.

Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

4. Execute a Query

Use the Statement object to execute SQL queries. This can be a query to retrieve data (SELECT) or modify data (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM users");

5. Process the Results

If the query retrieves data, it returns a ResultSet object. You can iterate through this object to access the retrieved data.

while(rs.next()) {

6. Close Resources

It’s important to close the ResultSet, Statement, and Connection objects after use to free up database resources.


Key Points

  • DriverManager: This class manages a list of database drivers. It matches connection requests from Java applications with the appropriate database driver using the connection URL.
  • Connection: Represents a connection with a database. It’s used to execute SQL statements and manage transactions.
  • Statement: Encapsulates an SQL statement which is executed against the database. A PreparedStatement is a special type of Statement that can be precompiled, making it more efficient for repeated execution.
  • ResultSet: Represents the result set of a query. It maintains a cursor pointing to its current row of data.


Connecting to a MySQL database and retrieving user names might look like this:

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb", "username", "password");
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT username FROM users");

while(rs.next()) {



JDBC is a powerful API that enables Java applications to interact with a wide range of databases, making it a cornerstone of Java-based database programming. By following the steps of loading a driver, establishing a connection, creating a statement, executing queries, and processing results, developers can efficiently perform database operations within their Java applications.