How images are added in an HTML document? How will you create image links in web documents?

Short Answer

To add images in an HTML document, we use the <img> tag with the src attribute pointing to the image’s location. The alt attribute provides text for screen readers if the image can’t display. For creating image links, we wrap the <img> tag with an <a> tag. The <a> tag’s href attribute is set to the URL where you want to redirect users when they click on the image. This method makes images not only visual elements but also interactive links that can take users to different pages or sites.

Detailed Answer

Adding Images to an HTML Document

Adding images to a web page makes it more engaging and informative. In HTML, the <img> tag is used to insert images into a document. This tag is self-closing and includes several attributes, but the most important are src and alt.

1. The src Attribute

This specifies the path to the image file you want to display. The path can be a relative URL (to a file within your website) or an absolute URL (to a file located on a different website).


<img src="image.jpg" alt="Text of the image">

2. The alt Attribute

This provides alternative text for the image if it cannot be displayed. It is also used by screen readers for visually impaired users, making your website more accessible.


<img src="logo.png" alt="Logo">

Image links combine the functionality of an <a> tag with the visual appeal of an <img> tag. By nesting an <img> tag within an <a> tag, you create a clickable image that redirects to another URL when clicked. This is particularly useful for creating visually appealing navigation menus or linking to other websites.

1. The <a> Tag:

This defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another. The href attribute specifies the URL of the page the link goes to.

2. Nesting <img> inside <a>

Place the <img> tag inside the <a> tag. The image becomes clickable, acting as a button or link.


<a href="">
    <img src="logo.jpg" alt="Go to site">

Best Practices

  • Use Descriptive Alt Text: For both accessibility and SEO, ensure the alt attribute of the <img> tag describes the image accurately.
  • Optimize Images: To improve page load times, use images of appropriate sizes and consider using modern formats like WebP.
  • Responsive Images: Use the srcset attribute in the <img> tag to provide different-sized images for different screen resolutions, ensuring a good user experience across devices.


Adding images to an HTML document enhances its visual appeal, while creating image links can improve navigation and interactivity. By following the methods and best practices outlined above, you can effectively incorporate images into your web documents, making them more engaging and user-friendly. Understanding how to use the <img> and <a> tags together opens up new possibilities for designing compelling web pages.