Write a CSS rule that makes all the text 2.5 time larger than the base font of the system

Short Answer

To make all the text on your webpage 2.5 times larger than the base font size, you can use CSS.

Here’s a simple rule you can write:

body {
  font-size: 2.5em;

This CSS code goes in the <style> section of your HTML or in a separate CSS file. It makes sure that every piece of text inside the <body> tag grows 2.5 times bigger than the default size.

Detailed Answer

In web design, controlling the size of your text is crucial for readability and user experience. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, lets you do this with precision. To specifically make all text on a webpage 2.5 times larger than the system’s base font size, you’d use a property called font-size.

Understanding font-size in CSS

The font-size property in CSS adjusts the size of the text. You can specify this size in several ways, including pixels (px), points (pt), ems (em), rems (rem), and percentages (%). For our goal, the em unit is perfect because it’s relative to the current font size of the element. If there’s no set size, it defaults to the browser’s base font size.

How to Apply the Rule

First, you decide where to put this CSS rule. You have two main choices:

  1. Internal CSS: Directly in your HTML file within the <style> tags.
  2. External CSS: In a separate .css file linked to your HTML file.

The CSS Rule

Here’s the rule you would write:

body {
  font-size: 2.5em;

What This Does

This rule targets the <body> element, which contains all the content of your webpage. By setting its font-size to 2.5em, you’re making the text size 2.5 times larger than the default or inherited font size.


If you’re using internal CSS, your HTML file might look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Example Page</title>
        body {
            font-size: 2.5em;
    <p>This text will be 2.5 times larger than the base font size of the system.</p>

Why Use em Units?

Using em units for this task has a key advantage: scalability. Because em is relative, it adjusts based on the parent element’s font size or the default browser settings. This makes your webpage more accessible and easier to read across different devices and user preferences.


Controlling font size is a powerful aspect of web design, affecting readability and accessibility. By using CSS to set the font size to 2.5 times the base size, you ensure that your text stands out clearly to your audience. Whether you’re aiming for emphasis or simply making your content more readable, this CSS rule is a straightforward and effective method to achieve your design goals.