Access Modifier in Java

Short Explanation

Access modifiers in Java control who can use parts of your code. Think of them as keys that lock or unlock doors to your code’s rooms. There are four main types: public, private, protected, and the default (no modifier). The public key opens all doors, letting anyone use the item. The private key keeps things just for you, hiding them from others. The protected key allows family (in the same package) and friends (subclasses) in. The default, no key, means only those in the same package can enter. These keys help keep your code safe and organized, making sure only the right parts can be accessed by others.

Detailed Explanation

What Do We Mean by Access Modifier?

Access modifiers in Java help manage how different parts of programs interact with each other. They’re like rules for what can be accessed and from where.

Types of Access Modifiers

1. Public

The public access modifier allows anyone to access the variable, method, or class. It’s like putting something on display in a public park. Anyone walking by can see it. For example, if you have a public method in a class, any other class can call this method.

Basically it Marks a code block as open to all. Any other class can access public classes, methods, or fields.

Example: public class Car { ... } makes the Car class usable by any other class.

2. Private

The private access modifier is the opposite of public. It keeps things locked away so only the class where it’s declared can use it. It’s like keeping a secret diary. Only you can read it. If you have a private variable in a class, only methods within that same class can access the variable.

Basically it Keeps things secret within a class. Only the class itself can access its private methods or fields.

Example: private int age; means only methods within the same class can access age.

3. Protected

Protected is a bit like a mix between public and private. It allows classes in the same package or subclasses to access the variable, method, or class. It’s like allowing family members and close friends into your home. They can see things others can’t.

Basically it Allows access from classes in the same package or subclasses. It’s like a mix of public and private.

Example: protected void display() { ... } lets the method be accessed in subclasses, even if they’re in different packages.

4. Default (Package-Private/No Modifier)

When no access modifier is specified, it defaults to package-private. This means that the variable, method, or class is accessible only within its own package. It’s like having a private community where only neighbors can visit each other’s houses.

When no access modifier is used, it’s package-private. Only classes in the same package can access it.

Example: void connect() { ... } makes connect() accessible only within its package.

Important Points with Examples

  • Implementing Encapsulation: Access modifiers are crucial for encapsulation in object-oriented programming. Encapsulation means keeping the internal state of an object hidden from the outside. For example, by making a class variable private, you control access through public methods, ensuring the variable is only changed in safe ways.
  • Enhancing Security and Reliability: By carefully choosing access modifiers, you make your code more secure and reliable. For instance, marking sensitive data as private prevents it from being accidentally altered by other parts of your program.
  • Flexibility and Maintenance: Access modifiers give you flexibility in how you structure your code. They help in maintaining and updating the code without breaking it. If you need to change how a private method works, you can do so without worrying about affecting other parts of your program that use that class.


If you have a Person class with a private age field, you can control access through public methods like getAge() and setAge(int age). This ensures age cannot be set to an invalid value directly.

public class Person {
    private int age;
    public int getAge() {
        return age;
    public void setAge(int age) {
        if(age > 0) {
            this.age = age;

In conclusion, access modifiers play a vital role in programming by controlling access to the components of your code. They help in maintaining security, encapsulation, and making your code more modular and maintainable. By using access modifiers like public, private, protected, and package-private, you ensure that your code is both safe and efficient.