Java Program to find Average using while loop

In this tutorial, we are going to learn a writing the java program to find the average of numbers using while loop.

In previous tutorial we have seen the different way to find Average of number

Problem Statement

For any sequence of input numbers, we have to calculate the average of the input numbers from the user using the while loop.

Case1: If the Input sequence given by user are 1,2,3,4,5.
The output should be 3.
Case2: If the Input Sequence given by user are 11,22,33,44,55,66.
The output should be 38.5.

Our Logic to calculate average using while loop in java

  • Our program will declare the variable sum =0, i=0 and also the array is predefined at the beginning.
  • Then. Our program will calculate the sum of all the numbers using ‘while loop’.
  • Finally, the calculated sum is then divided by the number of elements present in the array (or length of array) and print the result as the output.

Algorithm to calculate average of the numbers using while loop

Step 1: Start

Step 2: float sum =0;

Step 3: Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

Step 4: input array size

int n= sc.nextInt();

Step 5: create an empty array of size n.

Step 6: while (i < n) {

arr[i] = sc.nextInt();




Step 7: assign a variable, avg as float

average = sum/n;

Step 8: print average

Step 9: Stop

Find Average of numbers using while loop in Java

import java.util.*;
public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int i=0;
        float sum=0;
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("Enter the size of array: ");
        int n = sc.nextInt();
        float arr[] = new float[n];
        System.out.println("Enter " + n + " array elements: ");
        while(i<n) {
            arr[i] = sc.nextInt();
        float average = sum/n;
        System.out.println("Average of number is : "+average);


Enter the size of array: 
Enter 5 array elements: 
Average of number is : 4.4


In this example, the predefined array are {2,4,6,8,10}. Where the size of array is 5 so the average will be
Average = (2+4+6+8+10)/ 5
The output generated is 6.0.