File System in DBMS with Explanation

A file system is a traditional way for the collection of data and a system that is used to manage data in our system.

When there is no word like “database management system (D.B.M.S)”, people use file management systems to store their data.

In the file system, we face lots of issues such as searching, data redundancy, data inconsistency, data security, etc. To overcome those issues DBMS was introduced. These issues are explained below.


Imagine our Indian railway ticket booking system is working on a single file management system. When anybody wants to book a ticket then he has to take all data in their system which is in high volume (In GB’s), although he has to search train between only two stations of their need. Because of the file system, it takes lots of time to search for trains between two stations here. So it is time taking process and also there is a waste of memory.

Data redundancy

In file system, the same data is stored more than one time at different locations of memory. This duplicate data in the system is known as redundant data and the condition is called redundancy. These data occupy space in memory.

Data inconsistency

In the file management system, users allow accessing a single file or table at one time. There are no relationship establishments between the two files in this system. Due to a lack of relationships and no centralized system, it may be possible that if same data is present at two locations of memory having different values. This condition is called data inconsistency.


When we talk about unauthorized access, security is the most important part of any management system. A file management system is less secure. If we try to give access to any file then the person provides full access to any part of a folder of that file whether that person is a user or manager.