60 Most Important Git Interview Questions

Certainly! Here is a list of commonly asked interview questions on Git for candidates with fresher or having of experience

Basic Concepts of Git

1. What is Git, and why is it used?

2. Explain the difference between Git and other version control systems.

3. What is a repository in Git?

4. What are the advantages of using Git?

5. Describe the Git workflow.

6. What is a commit, and how do you create one?

7. Explain the concept of branching in Git.

Intermediate Concepts

8. What is a merge, and how does it differ from a rebase?

9. What is the purpose of the HEAD pointer in Git?

10. How do you resolve merge conflicts in Git?

11. Explain the difference between “git pull” and “git fetch.”

12. What is a remote in Git, and how do you manage them?

13. How would you undo the last commit that you made?

14. Describe the Git rebase command and when it is used.

15. What is the purpose of the “git cherry-pick” command?

Advanced Concepts:

16. Explain the Git bisect command and its use case.

17. Describe the “detached HEAD” state in Git.

18. What is a Git submodule, and how do you work with it?

19. How do you squash multiple commits into a single commit?

20. Explain the concept of “reflog” in Git.

21. What is the purpose of the “git stash” command?

22. Describe the process of reverting a commit using the “git revert” command.

23. How can you sign your Git commits using GPG?

24. What is the “git reflog” command used for?

25. How do you configure Git hooks, and what are they used for?

Branching and Merging

26. Describe the difference between fast-forward and non-fast-forward merges.

27. How do you create a new branch in Git?

28. Explain the purpose of the “git tag” command.

29. What is a pull request (PR), and how does it work?

30. How would you delete a branch in Git?

Git Internals

31. Explain the Git object model.

32. Describe how Git stores data internally.

33. What is the purpose of the Git index (staging area)?

34. Explain the process of creating a new commit in Git.

35. How does Git handle binary files?


36. How do you fork a repository on GitHub?

37. Explain the process of forking a repository, making changes, and creating a pull request.

38. What is a Git remote-tracking branch?

39. How do you synchronize changes from the original repository (upstream) after forking?

40. How would you manage conflicts in a collaborative Git environment?

Git Workflows

41. Describe the Gitflow workflow.

42. Explain the GitHub Flow workflow.

43. What is the GitLab Flow workflow?

44. How does the “feature branch” workflow work?

Git Configuration

45. How do you configure your user name and email in Git?

46. Explain the difference between global and local Git configurations.

47. How can you set up an external diff tool for Git?

48. How do you ignore files and directories in Git?

Git Best Practices

49. What is the purpose of writing a good commit message?

50. Describe the concept of “atomic commits.”

51. How do you keep your Git history clean and organized?

52. Explain the importance of rebasing before merging.

Git Tools

53. What is the purpose of “git blame”?

54. How does “git log” work, and what information does it display?

55. Explain the “git grep” command and its use.

56. How would you use “git bisect” to find a bug in your code?


57. How do you set up a Git repository from an existing project?

58. Explain the “git archive” command.

59. How can you find the difference between two branches using “git diff”?

60. Describe the process of creating and applying patches in Git.

Remember that understanding the underlying concepts and being able to apply them practically is key. Practice and hands-on experience are crucial for mastering Git.