What is Data Abstraction and Data Redundancy in DBMS

In the world of data management, two terms often come up: data abstraction and data redundancy. Both play crucial roles in how data is stored, accessed, and used. Let’s dive into what these terms mean and see some examples to make them clearer.

What Is Data Abstraction?

Abstraction means “hiding”. In Data Base Management System (DBMS), Data abstraction is the process of providing a simplified interface to a more complex system, while hiding the underlying implementation details. It involves separating the essential features of a system from the non-essential details and representing the essential features in a way that is easy to understand and manipulate.

Another definition of Data abstraction is, it is the process of hiding certain details and showing only essential information to the user. It aims to reduce complexity and increase the manageability of a system by providing a simplified view of the system that is easier to understand and work with.

Example of Data Abstraction

Consider an online banking system. When you log in, you see your account balance, recent transactions, and options to send money. The complex financial calculations, security checks, and data storage mechanisms work in the background. You interact with a simplified interface that abstracts away the complexity.

Why Is Data Abstraction Important?

Data abstraction is vital for a few reasons:

  • It makes complex systems easier to understand and use.
  • It allows developers to change complex systems without affecting how users interact with the system.
  • It enhances security by hiding the internal workings of applications.

What Is Data Redundancy?

Data redundancy is the duplication of data within a database. It occurs when the same data is stored in multiple locations within a database, or when multiple copies of a database are created. Data redundancy can lead to inconsistencies, as different copies of the data may not be kept in sync, and it can also waste storage space. However, it can also provide some benefits, such as improving the reliability and availability of the data.

In other words, Data redundancy is the duplication of data within a database. It can occur when the same data is stored in multiple places or when multiple copies of the same data are stored. Data redundancy can lead to problems with data consistency and integrity, as different copies of the same data may become out of sync or contain conflicting information. It can also increase the size and complexity of a database, making it more difficult to manage and maintain.

Example of Data Redundancy

Imagine a school system where each department keeps its own records of students’ contact information. If a student belongs to two departments, their contact information might be stored twice – once in each department’s records.

Why Does Data Redundancy Matter?

Data redundancy can be a double-edged sword. Here’s why:

  • On the Plus Side: It can provide a backup, making data recovery easier in case of data loss.
  • On the Down Side: It can lead to inconsistencies if one copy is updated and the other is not. It also takes up more storage space.

Striking a Balance

Managing data abstraction and data redundancy is all about finding the right balance. Too much abstraction might oversimplify, while too much redundancy could lead to wasted resources and data inconsistency.


Data abstraction helps us interact with complex systems through a simple interface, making technology accessible to everyone. On the other hand, data redundancy ensures that our important data is backed up but needs to be managed carefully to avoid inefficiencies. By understanding and applying these concepts, we can design better data management systems that are both user-friendly and efficient.