How Data Sharing between JSP pages?

Short Answer

Sharing data between JSP pages helps different parts of a web application communicate and share information. You can share data using scopes: request, session, application, and page.

Request scope shares data with requests and forwards. Session scope shares data across different pages during the same user session. Application scope shares data with all users and pages. Page scope shares data on the same page.

For example, to share data using session scope, you set an attribute in one page like session.setAttribute("username", "prakash"); and get it in another page with session.getAttribute("username");. This way, you can pass information like user details or preferences from one page to another easily.

Detailed Answer

Data Sharing Between JSP Pages

In web applications, sharing data between JSP pages is crucial for maintaining state, passing information, and creating a cohesive user experience. JSP supports several mechanisms for data sharing, leveraging different scopes to suit various needs.

Scopes for Data Sharing

1). Request Scope: Data stored in request scope is accessible only within the same request. It’s useful for forwarding data from one JSP page to another using the RequestDispatcher.


// In source.jsp
request.setAttribute("message", "Hello I am from source.jsp");
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("target.jsp");
dispatcher.forward(request, response);

// In target.jsp
<%= request.getAttribute("message") %>

2). Session Scope: The session scope is ideal for sharing data across multiple pages in the same user session, such as user preferences or login status.


// To set an attribute in session
session.setAttribute("user", "Prakash Kumar");

// To retrieve the attribute in another JSP page
<%= session.getAttribute("user") %>

3). Application Scope: Data in application scope is shared across all sessions and users, making it suitable for application-wide properties like the number of visitors.


// Setting an application-wide attribute
application.setAttribute("appUser", "Prakash");

// Accessing it in any JSP page
<%= application.getAttribute("appUser") %>

4). Page Scope: This is the default scope for JSP pages, where attributes are accessible only within the same page. It’s less commonly used for data sharing between pages.

Techniques for Data Sharing

1). Using the jsp:forward Action: This action forwards the request to another resource along with all request attributes set in the originating page.


<jsp:forward page="target.jsp">
  <jsp:param name="param1" value="value1"/>

2). Using the jsp:include Action: This action includes content from another resource in the current page, allowing shared use of data set in the including page’s request scope.


<jsp:include page="header.jsp" />

3). Redirecting: Unlike forwarding, redirecting sends a new request from the client to the server. Session or application scopes are used to share data across redirects.



Best Practices

  • Choose the Right Scope: Use the narrowest scope necessary to minimize memory usage and potential data leakage.
  • Clean Up: Especially in session and application scopes, remove attributes when they are no longer needed to free up resources.
  • Security: Be cautious when sharing sensitive information. Use secure methods and consider encryption for critical data.


Sharing data between JSP pages is a fundamental aspect of developing dynamic web applications. By understanding and utilizing the different scopes available in JSP, developers can efficiently pass information across pages, maintain state, and enhance the user experience. Whether it’s passing a message from one page to another or maintaining user login status across sessions, the mechanisms provided by JSP offer the flexibility and power needed to build complex web applications.