What is DHTML? Difference between HTML and DHTML

Short Answer

DHTML stands for Dynamic HTML. It is not a new language. Instead, it combines HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make web pages interactive. HTML is the basic building block of web pages, showing content. DHTML adds motion and action to these pages, making them react to user actions.

Detailed Answer

In the evolving world of web development, understanding the distinction between HTML and DHTML is key to creating dynamic and interactive web pages.

What is HTML?

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the standard language used to create and design web pages. It provides the structure of a webpage, allowing us to add content like text, images, and links.

What is DHTML?

DHTML, or Dynamic HTML, is not a separate language. It’s a term that describes a combination of HTML, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript. DHTML makes web pages interactive. It allows content on web pages to change dynamically without needing to reload the page.

Differences Between HTML and DHTML

  1. Static vs. Dynamic: HTML is static, meaning once a page loads, its content doesn’t change unless you manually reload it. DHTML, however, is dynamic. It can change the appearance and content of a web page in response to user actions.
  2. Components: HTML alone is used for creating the basic structure. DHTML uses HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for functionality, bringing web pages to life.
  3. Interactivity: HTML pages do not respond to user inputs dynamically. DHTML pages, on the other hand, can react to users, such as changing content or styles based on mouse movements or clicks.
  4. Usability: While HTML is essential for creating web pages, DHTML enhances user experience by making pages interactive and engaging.

Comparison Between HTML and DHTML in Table

FeatureHTML (HyperText Markup Language)DHTML (Dynamic HTML)
DefinitionA markup language used to create the structure of web pages.A combination of technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) used to create interactive and dynamic web pages.
NatureStatic – the content does not change after the page loads.Dynamic – the content can change after the page loads in response to user actions.
ComponentsUses only HTML for structuring content.Uses HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for functionality.
InteractivityDoes not support interactivity. Content remains the same until manually updated by the web developer.Supports interactivity. Content and style can change in response to user actions without reloading the page.
UsageIdeal for creating basic web pages that do not require user interaction beyond hyperlinks.Suitable for creating interactive applications and web pages that react to user inputs.
ExamplesA blog post, a documentation page, or a news article.Interactive quizzes, animated menus, and forms that provide instant feedback.


  • HTML Example: A news article displayed on a webpage. Its content remains the same unless the page is updated by the creator.
  • DHTML Example: A photo gallery where clicking on a thumbnail changes the main displayed image without reloading the page. This is achieved by using HTML for the layout, CSS for styling, and JavaScript to handle the clicking action.


Understanding HTML and DHTML is crucial for web developers aiming to create both fundamental and interactive web experiences. HTML lays the groundwork for web pages, while DHTML enhances this foundation with interactive and dynamic elements, offering a richer user experience. By integrating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, developers can craft web pages that are not only informative but also engaging and responsive to user interactions.