What is Plugin and Cookies? Its role in details

Short Answer Plugins and cookies are two website tools, use to enhance the online experience for their visitors. A plugin is a piece of software that adds additional functions to a web browser, enabling you to watch videos or play games directly in your browser. Cookies, on the other hand, are small files placed onto … Read more

Various Web Development Strategies in Brief

Short Explanations Web development involves designing or developing websites and applications for the internet. There are various strategies used in web development to achieve this aim. Responsive design ensures websites work well across devices of all sizes like mobile device, tablets and laptops, content management systems like WordPress make content management simpler. Similarly UX design … Read more

What is W3C ? Write its role.

Short Explanations The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an organization dedicated to work on making the web better and also improving the internet for everyone. They develop standards so all websites work reliably on any computer or phone. It is like a teachers of the internet. Their main mission is ensuring an accessible web … Read more

What Technologies used in Web Design? Role of Scripting language in web design.

Short Explanations Web design relies on numerous technologies to develop and manage websites. The three key ones include HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript – each playing an essential role. HTML provides structure for pages while CSS determines its appearance while JavaScript adds interactivity. Scripting languages, particularly JavaScript, play a huge … Read more

What is Web Technologies? Various steps to develop Multi Departmental Website

Short Explanations Web technologies are the tools and methods used to create websites and applications on the internet. These include things like HTML for making webpages, CSS for styling them, and JavaScript for adding interactive features. There are also other tools like databases to store information, and servers to host websites so everyone can visit … Read more

History of World Wide Web (WWW)

Short Explanation The World Wide Web, often called the Web, is like a huge library that lets us find and share information on the internet. It was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 while he was working at CERN, a big science center in Europe. He wanted to make it easier for scientists around the … Read more