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- What do you mean by relational model? Explain with example.
- What is relational algebra ? Discuss its basic operations.
- Write the operations in Relational Algebra.
- What is relational algebra?
- Describe the tuple and domain relational calculus with suitable example.
- What do you mean by referential integrity ? Explain the concept of Foreign key with a suitable example.
- What is Cursor? Write the difference between implicit cursor and explicit cursor.
- Define the following terms: 1. Super key 2. Candidate key 3. Primary key
- Write the syntax and purpose of following SQL commands: sysdate, to date(), dual table ,to_number, substr() and initcap().
- Write the various operation of Relational-Algebra operation.
- Explain views in relational algebra.
- What is SQL? What are the parts of SQL language?
- Write and explain the various set operations provided by SQL.
- Explain the aggregate function.
- Write a note on derived relations.
- What do you mean by Joins? Explain various types of join with examples.
- Write the various type of domains in SQL.