Recursion, its principle with an example

Recursion is a process in which a function calls itself again and again. We use recursion to solve the bigger problem by dividing it into smaller similar sub-problems and then call them recursively.

In other words, we can also explain it as a problem is broken down into smaller subproblems. And a function applies the same algorithm to each subproblem until it reaches a base case. Here the base case is a straightforward and known solution.

Recursive function has two different parts

  1. Base case
  2. Recursive case

Base case

  • The base case is used to terminate the task of recurring. If a base case is not defined, then the function will recur an infinite number of times.
  • The base case gives the conditions in which the recursive calls will halt means collapse the recursion when you hit the base case.

Recursive case

  • In the Recursive case, the problem space is made smaller and smaller dive deeper into the recursion in the recursive case.
  • Recursive case simplifies a bigger problem into a number of simpler sub-problems and then calls them.

Example of Recursive function

1. Recursive Program to Calculate Factorial

Factorial Example

Factorial of a non-negative integer n, denoted as n!, is the product of all positive integers from 1 to n.

For example:

  • 0! = 1 (by definition)
  • 1! = 1 (only one number in the product)
  • 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120
long long fact(int num) {
  if (num == 0)
    return 1;
    return (num * fact(num - 1));
int main() {
  int i, num, factorial = 1;
  printf("Enter a whole number to find Factorial = ");
  scanf("%d", & num);
  printf("Factorial of %d is: %llu", num, fact(num));
  return 0;


Enter a whole number to find Factorial = 5
Factorial of 5 is: 120

2. Fibonacci series Example

A Fibonacci series is a series where next term is equal to the sum of the previous two terms.

 where  Tn, T(n−1)  and  T(n−2)  are  nth  term,  (n−1)th  term and  (n−2)th  terms respectively.
 And in Series first and second terms are 0 and 1 respectively.
 So,  T1=0  and  T2=1 

A Recursive method to Calculate the Fibonacci series

int fibonacci(int i){ 
     if(i==0) return 0; 
     else if(i==1) return 1; 
     else return (fibonacci(i-1)+fibonacci(i-2));

To Print the Fibonacci series

printf("fibonacci series is : \n");
     for(i=0;i<n;i++) { 
         printf("%d ",fibonacci(i));

Complete Recursive Program to calculate Fibonacci series

int fibonacci(int);
int main(){ 
	int n, i; 
	printf("Enter the number of element you want in series :"); 
	printf("fibonacci series is : \n");
	for(i=0;i<n;i++) { 
		printf("%d \n",fibonacci(i));
int fibonacci(int i){ 
	if(i==0) return 0; 
	else if(i==1) return 1; 
	else return (fibonacci(i-1)+fibonacci(i-2));


Enter the number of element you want in series :5
fibonacci series is : 